BRUH, it's Mike :)

and I'm looking for a special female companion.

Are you The One?

Email me at itsmikefromwork(at)proton(dot)me

Some of my interests include:

From my notes:

Take. Your. Time.

Be Adaptable

overwhelming kindness

Beware False Needs

Don't let old stories hold you back.

AI Image Conceptualizer

"in the museum that's full of art, i only had my eyes on you."

Slow Down to Move Forward

don't let Monday, Monday you

no feeling is final

Music Producer

If I had to heal from you, I'm not letting you back in my space.

don't miss the forest for the trees

it's not free will if there's a threat of hell

Find your happy

Tuck Frump

if the truth is on your side, why lie?

your voice is my favourite sound

forget about mars, rebuild the earth

life is a balance of giving and receiving

Prayer is useless against God's Plan ❤️🙏

We put the Kansas in Kansas City!

God creating his own enemy just to fight him that enemy's name is Satan

Stay Hydrated!

to live for the future is an indefinite postponement of life

give, your way

Donating has never been easier!

Life has a way of doing what it wants, it doesn't care about your goals.

"I isn't following no trend, I AM the trend!"

You won't have free will or be free to do what you want in Heaven instead you will Worship and Praise God, be owned by God, Service God, and you will be happy about it for all eternity

why would an all powerful God to be offended it's the human that gets offended

About me:
I'm 50 years old.
I'm 5 foot 6 inches tall.
I am biologically male.
Works a full time job.
I have my own place to live.
I have a car.
I am not religious (but I can pretend to be).

IF you are interested, please start a conversation with me below:

bruh bruhjump bruh jump


816-467-4767 8164674767 816.467.4767 #memememefrog

816-467-4767 8164674767 816.467.4767 #memememefrog

what is frogspotting? what is frog spotting?

What am I trying to accomplish with this website? I'm really searching for that special someone to spend my life with. I want to be bluntly honest here without doxing myself. And definitely is up for being a cuddle buddy.

I'd rather be alone than settle for less.

I'm looking for a best friend I can love.

ruto rutojump ruto jump

kaeute #kaeute

If you feel like its a lot of hoops to jump through to get to know me, well, it's because we live in a world of scammers. You'll just have to take the time to get to know me and I'll be more than happy to reveal more of who I really am to you.

I'm just as wary of you as you are of me.